The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Whatever happened to those bluebirds?

Jul 8, 2014 | birds & bears | 2 comments

I’ve put it off for a while now, but I know it’s (beyond) time to give you the latest on the bluebirds. You probably remember the story up to now:

1. A surprise nest is built in a decorative birdhouse.

2. An inexperienced human rejoices!

3. Complications arise; inexperienced human worries.

4. Mama and Daddy bluebird know what to do. Four of five eggs hatch; three of four babies fledge.

5. Inexperienced human buys a regulation bluebird house and hangs it in a much better location, hoping for another nest next Spring.

6. Nest appears within two days! Within five days, four eggs are laid!

7. Mama incubates eggs.

8. Temperature hits 94 degrees four days in a row.

9. Human frets, considering all manner of cooling mechanisms. Including a misting system.

10. (She leaves the nest alone, however.)

11. On day five, Mama disappears. The eggs are left alone.

12. Days pass.

13. Weeks pass.

14. Hearts break.

15. Human accepts truth: Mama has abandoned the eggs.

16. Human comes to accept a second (more important) truth. Mama knows better than she does.



back when she was still laying eggs


the clutch is complete!


Papa, from afar


And, just because my heart needs a little lift, this recent glimpse of Harry after a bath! Isn’t he getting big?



  1. Jean McElroy

    Thanks for keeping us posted!! Love your Daily Grace.

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Jean. They have certainly stolen my heart (and my attention!) this summer.

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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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