The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Just you wait.

Apr 12, 2024 | home & family | 10 comments

WE’VE COME TO THE MOUNTAINS for a quick visit, Tim and I, a final Spring hurrah before returning home to await the arrival of our first grandchild. This has been a sweet, sweet time, these anticipatory months filled with joy after joy as we’ve watched our precious Eliza bloom before our very eyes. It’s a marvel to experience the miracle of new life in any form, from any distance. But to be as close as we are, geographically? And to feel the pull of the ancestral line from my grandmother to my mother to me to my daughter and now to my own growing granddaughter? It is legacy, and it is powerful, and it’s a gift I do not take for granted.

And to watch this new family form. There’s an ease and a spark between the expectant Mom and the expectant Dad that’s not dissimilar to the heartbeat I hear out there in this mountaintop Spring—all promise and new beginnings, life emerging in a fresh, transparent-new-leaf-green way. These two love each other and oh, how they are loved: Preston with his big, caring, wide-armed family that years ago, pulled Eliza right in; both of them with an extensive network of friends they treasure and relationships they very intentionally nurture. Tim and I have benefitted from both, and it is an understatement to acknowledge what a happy, happy time this has been.

my baby, my baby’s baby, and me

I’ve loved, too, the big warm surround that is the collection of our own friends who are already grandparents. We hear it over and over:

“Just you wait.”

“You think you’ve known love?”


It is a sentiment that will no doubt, for us, prove true. Still I can’t help but relish this quieter time before, this preparing, this watching and wondering. This praying.

This deep praying, now that I think of it, rooted in my heart with such ferocity that just as I write this, just right now, I realize there is never a moment in which my praying ceases.

We’re here, Baby Doyle.

We are waiting for you.




    Kathy, You are in for one of the sweetest blessings of life. My two grandsons have given me so much joy that my heart overflows. So excited for you that soon you will also experience that joy!

  2. Vickie Quigg

    What love and joy surrounds you, your sweet family and all the lives you touch.

  3. Lisa Ann Roberson

    Oh Cathy!! What a an anticipated gift! I could feel the love and excitement in you every word!! I cannot wait to meet her!! Beautiful picture, too!

    • Cathy

      Thank you, my dear friend! It is a special time.

  4. Patricia Stubbs

    I just can’t believe it! Time really does fly! Love to all of you. Pat

    • Cathy

      Oh, Pat. I know you marvel as I do that the little girl who came to choir practice with me is now this fully grown woman. HOW DOES IT HAPPEN? Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I miss you!

  5. Mary

    Harris and I are so incredibly happy for you! It is the most joyous, pure love you can feel. We can’t wait for photos of baby Doyle.

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Mary! I know you both know. So much love to you and Harris!

  6. Wendy

    Oh, Cathy! How exciting!

    • Cathy

      Wendy! I’m always so happy to see you here. One would think I’ve been busy knitting. LOL. This time, I made a quilt instead. But there will hopefully be plenty of opportunity for Little Girl Things in the future! I’ll come see you. 🙂

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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