The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace
My Top Ten Reads of 2024

My Top Ten Reads of 2024

LAST YEAR WAS A GOOD reading year for me all in all, even if my "official" volume was down. As you no doubt know if you're a regular here at The Daily Grace, in April I was overjoyed to receive a publishing offer for my own debut, and once the contract was signed it...

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A Poem. An Offering. Of January.

A Poem. An Offering. Of January.

J A N U A R Y Slow Extended Easily considered Long books and popping fires and steaming cups of tea. Quilts and crafts and cooking. Soups and stews that spend the day in simmer then invite you, at your leisure, to casually spoon-fill right into that perfect...

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For Good News Is To Come

For Good News Is To Come

AS I WRITE this post, I am under a quilt on our bed in our guest room, a tumbler of hot coffee beside me. It's 6:50 am, on Saturday, December 21, and I've been awake since, oh, 4:45 or so, a hundred thousand thoughts tumbling around in my head they way they do when...

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About Hurricane Helene.

About Hurricane Helene.

IT'S DIFFICULT TO WRITE about the destruction of Hurricane Helene and at the same time, it's impossible not to. So many people—so many of you, quite frankly—reached out with concern and love and prayers, knowing how deeply we love our sweet getaway in Western North...

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Letting go.

Letting go.

IT'S ALL possibility, that blank spread before you, the pages waiting, willing, wondering what the future holds. So many options. So much freedom! It's a journal, after all, a private space meant for play and experimentation, the stakes so low as to encourage...

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Joy in flight!

Joy in flight!

WE WERE SITTING on the big back deck, looking at the mountains, the early June day having reached that magic time of diminishing heat and lingering softness. There was so much to see. The rhododendron was bursting forth in vivid color, and the wild azaleas seemed to...

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For love of Posey.

For love of Posey.

SHE CAME INTO the world the last day of April, tiny, beautiful, beloved. From that moment on, the earth has seemed to rotate on a different axis—her every newborn need the priority; the air and our hearts united in glorious awe and collective wonder. Sweet Posey!...

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Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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