Being Sifted

I am a seeker, yes. I am a believer, for sure. I am also a person filled with many questions for God—big, overwhelming questions* that challenge and push and leave me unsettled. I believe there are answers, I should make that clear. (On a most basic level, that...

Friday Love 10.18.13

a little roundup of things that inspired me this week 1. Feather Pouch. I say yes. When I first spotted this little Fionna Hanna feather pouch on Poppytalk Handmade, it caught my eye right away. Need! Right? Right. 2. Learn to make beautiful letters. An online...

he shall cover you

I wish you could see the time stamp on the photos. That’s how unbelievable the phenomenon has become, this raining of feathers, this prayer answered so directly, so distinctly.  (In fact, I wouldn’t believe me if I were you.) And still it’s true. All...

Day 5: Pool Party!

Lord, that pantry. It’s gonna take me a good afternoon to go through, edit, straighten up. I have let it go too long. And that’s just about the time Eliza came through the door, home for a couple of hours between Summer Job #1 and Summer Job #2. I’m...

Three words.

What’s not to love about a cold Friday night in January? And then my phone tweets with the announcement of this text message: It just makes me happy. Thanks, Julie Smith Turner!

weekends, wise friends, and energy

long mountain views queen anne’s lace steep hiking trails fly fish casting wild strawberries sun salutations deep soul laughter the colors of chakra hot rocks massage star-observatoring s’mores by the fire lotions and potions geminis...

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