The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

No Rest For The Weary

May 24, 2017 | birds & bears | 5 comments

I spend a lot of time obsessing over the bluebirds that nest in a box in our back yard, something you know a bit about if you are a regular here at The Daily Grace. But this Spring I haven’t been around to keep as close an eye on this precious couple (and their offspring) as I’d like. 

We knew there were eggs, and we hoped there were healthy babies, and we believed some had fledged but we just didn’t know for sure.

Then a couple of weeks ago I spotted this cuteness at the new feeder I’ve placed just outside my studio window. It holds a magical cone of seed and dried worms all of birddom now fusses over.


hello baby blue!


This sweet little munchkin, who I figure is four…maybe five weeks old, is sitting an inch from a full-on mealworm feast. But he refuses to reach his little beak through the bars to grab one. Instead he sits and squawks and demands to be fed.

Mama’s having none of it.


You’ve got to be kidding me.


She flies in, eats in front of the youngster, then flies away.

(Which results in an even louder ruckus from the little one.)

Then in comes Papa who does his best to ignore but finally can’t take anymore and pops worm after worm in the mouth of the babe.






It captivated me, this bluebird drama, as I stood back and considered how much the scene resembles my own years-ago baby mothering and that of so many friends in the throes of such today. Parenting is hard. There are so many ways to get it wrong. And there are so few to get it right.



Love well, I’d think, and then I’d pace and worry. Love well, I still think now, and that will be enough.

Oh yes.

And yet the question remains. 



Does love fly off?

Or feed?




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  1. Vickie

    Love! The same scenario in our backyard. Four fledglings line up and wait. And we think, any day now the babies will catch on. Reservations not required ????

  2. Joretta

    What Cindy said. (Upun my word!!)

    • Cathy


  3. Cindy Enfinger

    Cathy-this is magical! Talk about love personified-this is love birdified! You have given us an amazing peep (literally) into this family dynamic-lol and wow! Thanks for sharing your gift…

    • Cathy

      Aren’t they fun? Thanks, friend.

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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