The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 1: Sasanquas, and the Yuletide

Nov 28, 2011 | nature & awe | 2 comments

Early, and unexpected, my first bit of holiday joy came peaking over the kitchen windowsill Thanksgiving morning. There’s nothing I love more than greeting the sunshine of a new day from that spot—the birds hop from the bare oak to the feeder and back again; the squirrels scamper about as if winter is on its way. This particular morning, a surprising spot of pink caught my eye as I gazed beyond the window toward the pond.

What is that? I wondered, leaning forward for a better look at the blossoms hiding there. Sure enough, right there under my nose, the most glorious Sasanqua Camillia, fully in bloom.

I don’t remember having ever noticed this bush, not in the four years we’ve lived in this house. Perhaps I haven’t looked. Or maybe this just happens to be the right time, this particular November, for that Sasanqua to have finally reached a height that brought it into my view. Whatever the reason, I am rejoicing.

I got lost among its blooms, my camera and I, and decided right then: I will keep a bowl of blooms on my desk as long as there are blooms this winter. And while this varietal doesn’t officially qualify, I shall nonetheless refer to this holiday season as the Yuletide. In honor of the Sasanqua Yuletide, yes. And also because I just like the word.
















30 Days of Joy 





  1. julie Marr

    omigosh – another connection: i have a towering sansanqua tree that is MAJOR in my life. details later! xo

    • Cathy

      I look forward to the story. One of these days, we must share our stories in person!


  1. Day 3: Light Is Coming #adventpicaday | | TheDailyGraceTheDailyGrace - [...] A very cool idea, I thought, and promptly tagged #adventpicaday and tweeted a sasanqua photo from my Yuletide post.…
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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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