Day 18: A Promise Fulfilled

Day 18: A Promise Fulfilled

We had our coffee in the sunroom this morning, enjoying a slow, quiet start to this first day after Christmas. We’d been chatting a while, Colette and Sam and I, when I looked down to see this. A promise fulfilled. My oh my, I thought. What a lovely—and...
Day 4: The Light of Advent

Day 4: The Light of Advent

Way back in 2011, the writer and pastor Winn Collier offered an invitation to join him in looking for light during Advent. I loved the idea, and I accepted the challenge, and the exercise so richly deepened my experience of the holy season I have continued it every...

Watching for the Light of Advent

I’d like to make you a promise.  If you watch for the Light of Advent, it will come to you in unexpected and beautiful ways. It’s a practice I started three years ago at the prompting of the rather fabulous Winn Collier, a pastor whose writings fill my...

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