Darkness, and Light, and Advent

  It is a practice that brings depth to the season and calm to my soul; a daily watching for the promise that when darkness surrounds, light is to come. This is Advent, to me. It’s what we all want, is it not? What we need? To hang on? When life is hard,...

Thanksgiving and Tradition (Redux)

This post first appeared on The Daily Grace on Thanksgiving Eve 2011. So much has changed in the time since. All of the grandparents have passed on. Eliza is 26 (and living in another state). The memories are still warm, however, and so I repost it every year in honor...

all the leaves are brown

WE’VE COME TO THE MOUNTAINS for a long, slow holiday week. My sweet Eliza is here, a glorious treat, along with Ellie, the dog; Little Bit, the dog; and Tim, husband extraordinaire. We’d hardly gotten the groceries put away (this took a minute–there...

An unmooring.

IT’S BEEN A LONG WHILE, friends, since I’ve visited you here, deep summer filled with such highs and lows it’s difficult to get my bearings. I’ve found it hard to write, impossible to imagine how I’d ever find the words. There has been so...

When You See The Light

We’re at the height of our powers, he said, and we laughed, we friends who’ve known each other for years, friends who mostly know the truths. Think about it, he said. Our kids are grown. Our careers are built. We have money enough. (He was being quite...

The Lenten Desert (redux)

I wrote this post two years ago but it all seemed new when the link randomly popped up on my Twitter feed a few days ago. The lesson is one of the most important of my life, and the fact I’d already forgotten is reason enough to share it with you again, here. On...

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