I think I shall try to knit a pair of socks. Yes, yes.   Image and pattern, my knitting hero the Yarn Harlot

Knitting, Stretching, and The Agnes Clutch

So. I have too many hobbies. Seriously. Painting, reading, tennis, writing, music, choir, knitting, photography, journaling, gardening, cooking. It’s exhausting, and mostly because there is a truth I realize: If I narrowed my focus, I might actually become good...

In January

This post first appeared at I’ve long held that January is the only civilized month. With its winter arms and 5 o’clock cloak, January offers an extraordinary opportunity to slow down, curl up, hide away. In fact, I love...

Inspiration: Little Red Bird

Ryon’s fabulous sketch of baby birds inspired me to pull out the pencils and paints. My first in a long, long time turned out to be Little Red Bird.

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