Day 10: Yummy! Holiday! Shortbread!

Day 10: Yummy! Holiday! Shortbread!

I’ve cut back this holiday season, and I’m proud to admit it. By which I mean—I’ve reached the age where I realize and (mostly) accept a person (namely me) can’t do everything to the extreme all the time especially during the holidays and...
Day 9: Choosing Rest

Day 9: Choosing Rest

I love opening my email on Fridays. It’s delivery day for several newsletters I love, and this morning I clicked on Girl’s Night In to find this, from The Daily Rest. image: the daily rest I love the thought, don’t you? I love the relief. It has been...
Day 8: For the Partaking

Day 8: For the Partaking

I’ve had occasion this week to share slow visits with friends I rarely see but who mean the world to me. Life can be like that, you know? Your heart filled with affection, but your calendar committed (or your location complicating matters) such that suddenly...
Day 7: This I Learned From Eddie

Day 7: This I Learned From Eddie

It’s one of those comments that has stayed with me for years, a tiny little exchange that found its way to my heart and lodged there, whispering, coaxing, reminding me whenever I’ve needed reminding. It’s surfaced time and again this holiday season,...
Day 6: little tree

Day 6: little tree

Our Christmas tree this year is a wild one, harvested from our western NC mountain property. This is a decision one makes knowing charm rather than perfection is the order of the day. We’re a-okay with this, Tim and I, in theory. But then you start to decorate...
Day 5: Stealing Time

Day 5: Stealing Time

We woke up this morning to an early dark, punctuated by lightning and its accompanying distant thunder. I heard the rain; the rat-a-tat as it hit the roof felt cozy, delicious. I rolled to my side, pulled the covers to my chin and just as I did, Tim got up and made...

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