Jan 10, 2021 | 30 Days of Joy
IT IS THE PERFECT WAY to wrap up these Thirty Days of Joy, doing it with Day Twenty because, well, 2020, and also because my friend Melissa at art4money* posted something that is the absolute, best, most perfect way to dive into the hope that is 2021. I realized when...
Aug 10, 2015 | 30 Days of Fun, thirty-days projects
It’s one of the best things ever when my trusty iPhone buzzes and I look down to see “Jay Coles” on the incoming call screen. He’s my dear friend, yes. But in addition to that, he’s Executive Director of Carolina Wildlife Center, an...
Feb 24, 2015 | nature & awe
Let’s just agree, shall we? Let’s just say right now that if I happen to stretch this snow thing out a bit–say, two posts, or three, or four–let’s just agree you’ll indulge me. You’re a sweet, generous soul, that I already...
Aug 5, 2014 | nature & awe
I meant to give you a proper blog post, as I’ve been a bit scarce here of late. Then my dear friend, Leslie, suggested one last summer night of blueberry picking. I’ll bet you can guess what I did? Until next time!...
Jan 30, 2014 | making & doing
We went to bed Monday night with a most assured forecast for significant snow, a rarity here in the Midlands of South Carolina. Needless to say the excitement had been building for days; snow was the primary topic of conversation everywhere. Events were being...