Jan 16, 2013 | god & grace
It’s just the most fun, the Photo A Day Challenge from Australian blogger fatmumslim.com. Each day you take a photo using that day’s prompt as your inspiration, then post your shot on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or your blog. Following the hashtag...
Dec 9, 2012 | nature & awe
Wouldn’t you love to hear this conversation? (Thanks to my friend David Benardo for allowing me to share.)
Dec 3, 2012 | 30 Days of Joy
What better way to launch this Season of Happy than with one of my great joys: Winn Collier’s #adventpicaday. Last year we looked for the light, and this search brought unexpected grace to every corner of my life. This year’s theme is the search for hope....
Sep 14, 2012 | god & grace
Contrails are magic, she wrote in the text, the slightest little comment, a breath, a blink. And I stood for while considering its truth. What other explanation could there be for such an unexpected show: this celestial demonstration of journeys begun, paths crossed,...
Sep 12, 2012 | god & grace
A grove of trees edges our pond, just across the water there, exactly where the sun rises. I woke up long before it peaked over the leafy tops yesterday, an occurrence worthy of mention if only for its rarity. I am a deep and easy sleeper. But on that day, 9/11/12, I...