15. An Ordinary Moment

It’s just the most fun, the Photo A Day Challenge from Australian blogger fatmumslim.com. Each day you take a photo using that day’s prompt as your inspiration, then post your shot on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or your blog. Following the hashtag...

30 Days of Joy

What better way to launch this Season of Happy than with one of my great joys: Winn Collier’s #adventpicaday. Last year we looked for the light, and this search brought unexpected grace to every corner of my life. This year’s theme is the search for hope....

Crossing Paths

Contrails are magic, she wrote in the text, the slightest little comment, a breath, a blink. And I stood for while considering its truth. What other explanation could there be for such an unexpected show: this celestial demonstration of journeys begun, paths crossed,...

Counting Sheep

A grove of trees edges our pond, just across the water there, exactly where the sun rises. I woke up long before it peaked over the leafy tops yesterday, an occurrence worthy of mention if only for its rarity. I am a deep and easy sleeper. But on that day, 9/11/12, I...

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