30 Days of Grace III

It is a busy time of year, this first quarter, months filled with all it takes to set 2014 in motion. Good stuff, important stuff, stuff that needs to be done. And still. In the busyness of it all, in the productiveness if you will, I find my soul needs a little...

Day 30: Eva’s Note

Had there been a sign around my neck it certainly would have read depleted. The day had been filled with physical and emotional challenge. And another, just like it, lay ahead. All I could do was shower and head for a quiet, soft bed. Then I opened my email to find...

Day 28: When Life Gets Loud

I walked through this house tonight, immersed—enveloped, you could even say—in the quietude of it all. She is off to the beach for a friend-filled, There’s-Nothing-Like-A-College-Summer getaway. (I envy her that. Might as well be honest.)  He, too, is away,...

Day 27: The Facebook Post That Tickled Me Pink

My sweet friend, Sara, is the mother of the most adorable twin girls in the world. Today on Facebook she had this story to share about precious 3-year-old Rachel: I giggled all afternoon! I must get a magic wand to carry in my purse. (Thank you, Helen Miller.) And I...

Day 26: Little Message, Big Heart

It came as a quiet little text message long after my busy Work Monday was over. How did your meeting go? she asked, my co-worker, my cohort, Julie. Sweet Jules wasn’t a part of this particular project, so she had no skin in the game. She is just a considerate...

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