Happy May Day!

  I had a happy, happy childhood growing up in the mountains of Southwest Virginia, where I had the great fortune of living in a world that felt very simple. We walked to school; we sledded down Macklemore Hill; we played Kick the Can and Annie Over until it got...

The Prize

I have the distinct privilege of working in a great company in a cool building with people who are oh-so-swell. I told you a bit about this in March Madness, where I brought you a quick glimpse via the magnificent Bracket Challenge entry by our own Jillian Owens. Now...

March Madness

There’s been a grand competition the past couple of weeks at the WECO building–the space our firm, Riggs Partners, shares with our friends from Truematter. It’s the 2015 WECO Bracket Challenge with predictions on this year’s college basketball...

the moon, the stars, and the sunrise

  It’s all coming so fast: the push to college graduation, the pollen dive into Spring, the walk through this Holy Week. Today’s Maundy Thursday leads inevitably to the solemness of tomorrow’s Good Friday. But even in that darkness we rush to...

Saying Goodbye

I wasn’t ready for it, I can tell you that up front. Yes, it was a discussion we’d had many times, and yes, I understood all the reasons it was a good idea. And still the morning my husband said We should go today and I shook my head in agreement my heart...

Word for the Year (v.4)

It came to me easy this time, so obvious a choice my reaction was resist. It was still December, after all, and entirely too soon for the thing to appear. Still there it was. Listen the word said. Listen. THAT’S JUST WHAT I WILL DO! I thought.  I’ll wait,...

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