The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace
Blueberries for Buddy

Blueberries for Buddy

AS YOU NO DOUBT know if you've been a reader of The Daily Grace for a while, Tim and I spend a great deal of the summer at our beautiful retreat high in the mountains of Western North Carolina. There's so much to love about our time up there, including the fact it is...

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Day 19: Twice Blessed

Day 19: Twice Blessed

WE HAD THE GRAND FORTUNE to be at home this Christmas, in particular since that meant Tim's sister, Colette, and her husband, Gary, came to be with us. I adore them so this is always a joy. This time it was even more special since we'd traveled with them to Israel in...

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Day 18: A Promise Fulfilled

Day 18: A Promise Fulfilled

We had our coffee in the sunroom this morning, enjoying a slow, quiet start to this first day after Christmas. We'd been chatting a while, Colette and Sam and I, when I looked down to see this. A promise fulfilled. My oh my, I thought. What a lovely—and...

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Day 17: Bethlehem, and the Beloved

Day 17: Bethlehem, and the Beloved

I had the incredible fortune to visit the Holy Land this summer, and that remarkable trip included a remarkable day in Bethlehem. Along with our guide we stood at a distance overlooking the town and the broad, rolling valley below, and she pointed out where the...

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Day 16: A Most Excellent Holiday Playlist

Day 16: A Most Excellent Holiday Playlist

I've curated for us the best holiday playlist ever, and I'm not even kidding. (Actually, Spotify and I have curated for us the best playlist ever because they've added a whole bunch which brings the current song total to 820—oh my—and they're great additions because...

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Day 15: Spirited

Day 15: Spirited

Have you seen Spirited? The new movie, starring Will Ferrill and Ryan Reynolds? It's a modern take on the Scrooge story, and omg IT'S A MUSICAL. It will make you laugh; it will make you sing; it will make you dance (or at least want to). Spirited will make you so...

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Day 14: Scorecard of Good

Day 14: Scorecard of Good

It's something we've said jokingly for so many Christmases, I'd come to hardly notice it. But this year, something shifted. Along about the seventh or eighth "it's a Christmas miracle!" I actually started to count, numbering the list, acknowledging it out loud....

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Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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