number 11
IF I WERE TO SUM UP my entire life's philosophy it would be this: It's all according to what you get used to. That has certainly proven true this summer, where on this mountain, we have not had a single bear sighting since May and have therefore taken to moving around with great unbridled freedom, foregoing our usual "check up and down and around every corner" before making even a short walk from one outdoor space to another. (Lest you think I am being silly and dramatic let me assure you I am not. This is REQUIRED.) It feels odd, there being so few bears, and I wrote a blog post that was sort of about this just yesterday.
Then what did today bring? You guessed it. Yes.
This happened.
We're calling him Hoover.
So once again we are on alert. It feels good, I must say, it feels like the universe has in some small measure righted itself. And with all there is to worry about these days, I'll take all the small universe righting measures I can get. XXOO
FATHERS LINED UP TO WELCOME THEIR KIDS BACK TO SCHOOL. This video, posted by the lovely Priscilla Shirer to her Twitter feed, is everything. Just everything.
I KNOW HER. I actually know her! (And even if I didn't, her music would still be my fave.) Caroline Spence Is Finally Writing The Kinds of Country Songs She Loves. In Rolling Stone, you guys. ROLLING STONE
While we're at it, check out Caroline's newest album, Mint Condition.
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Edamame Quinoa Salad from the girl who ate everything
(this makes a TON and it is YUM)
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BOOK (i might sort of) LOVE
Reading this now and so far, so good. Not a new American classic but Evie Drake Starts Over is a nice light read. (The audiobook is read by Julia Whelan--Gone Girl, Educated, etc., love her.) And the story takes place in Maine, so there is that. ❤️

Latest post: The Spinning World
August 2015: (I love a tomato sandwich and) You Know What I'm Talking About
from Cat's Mountain, August 21, 2019

This place where you are right now

God circled on a map for you.

Wherever your eyes and heart can move

Against the earth and sky,

The Beloved has bowed there —

knowing you were coming.



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