The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

March Madness.

Mar 25, 2019 | birds & bears | 8 comments

And now we are racing through March! Where here in South Carolina’s midlands we are blanketed in a layer of pollen so thick it is smothering. Even showering seems a gigantic waste of time.

Has it ever been this bad?

(Do we say that every year?)

But oh, Springtime. With her forsythia and spirea, and the eager green shoots that push through winter-hard ground as if to remind us rebirth is possible. And the green/gold promise of the million baby leaf buds–the billion baby buds–their translucent unfurling the stuff of poetry.

And the birds all a twitter! The possibilities of new love! Courting and preening and feeding, beak-to-beak. Romance all around. Prime spot claiming, be it light fixture, high beam, bird house. Even an old shoe will do.

The building of the nest. One blade, one twig, one feather at a time. One morning’s work, and then another. And more until DONE, there it is, a work of art, a new home, the magical weaving (instinctual as it is) of one little family’s future.

The cradling and nurturing therein.

The risks, the threats, the circle of life.

My, my, my, the drama. It is Spring!



  1. Holly

    Stumbled upon this somehow, and it was such a sweet post with lovely photography. Hope you have a blessed week!

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Holly! Nice to meet you here. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Sharon

    I have Robins and Blue Birds, Blue Jays and Cardinals, Humming Birds and Wood Peckers! My yard is so alive and so busy!!!

    • Cathy

      I love this. It really is exciting, isn’t it, to see the world come back to life!

  3. Leslie

    Actually, I DO say it every year….

    • Cathy

      That’s because it is true every year!

    • Cathy

      We have Robins in the mountains but none here. So happy to hear you do. I am always surprised how big they are! Thanks for reading and commenting, my friend!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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