From the time I was a little girl, I’ve loved dandelions. But do let me say this: I’ve never been in charge of lawn management. Nor have I had much to do with weed control, unless you count the teenage years when my mother paid me $2.50 an hour to “manage” her flower beds.
Just this week I looked at our greening lawn and saw this beauty.
Do you look at this and think What a miracle?
Oh, nature. Thank you for beauty, everywhere.
The beauty of the dandelion is to make a wish as you blow on it. It sends your wishes out in all directions or so my Irish Nana told me.
In Switzerland yards are full of dandelions and I’m told it’s just more of God’s sunshine.
Nature is the Art of God
I was not familiar with this quote and I love it! Thanks, Mark.
I am in charge of our yard and don’t mind them. If I see a honeybee on a dandelion, I slow the mower. I brake for honeybees.
I break for honeybees. That is fantastic! Thank you, Rosie!
I Didn’t get paid to mow the lawn but I still love you.
You brother Randy
Might be my favorite blog comment ever. Thank you, brother!
Thanks Cathy for all of your writings!!
Thank you, Jean!