The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Connecting with the Williams Sisters

Sep 8, 2014 | nature & awe | 2 comments

IMG_0806How cool it was to have an up close view of the Williams sisters as they played doubles in the U.S. Open this year. Every point was as powerful as I expected. Then they walked toward each other, gently slapped hands, and oh so quietly shared a private word or two.


They did it every point, win or lose.


Every. Single. Point.

I became totally enthralled with this routine, wondering what on earth they were saying to each other. By now, surely, Venus and Serena know tennis well enough to not need point-by-point coaching. Surely, after a million points in a hundred thousand matches, they can read each other’s minds. I mean, they’re sisters. Do they do it to psyche-out their competitors? Perhaps. Or maybe they’re just offering each other a little good job or nice hit or I got your back.

That’s what I’m hoping. At the heart of the power and might that is The Williams Sisters,  I’m hoping these intimate exchanges are their strength, their connection.

IMG_0821IMG_0817 IMG_0800IMG_0824 IMG_0808 A little word of encouragement after every point. I like it.


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  1. colette

    I love this!

  2. Jean McElroy

    I always enjoy your daily grace!! Thanks

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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