The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 15: Blueberry Pickin’, I and II

Jul 16, 2013 | nature & awe | 4 comments


You around Thursday? she asked, the kind of question that—with Leslie and an enthusiastic Yes! in response—always ends well. It’s opening day for blueberries. 

(July 4th + [I’ve actually never been] blueberry pickin’ + Leslie = BIG FUN I think.)

Yeah, I say. I think I can fit that in. (insert ha ha here)

I like it already.

These people are serious.

Rows and rows (and a beautiful blue sky)

mother lode

That Leslie. She’s a professional.


My haul. Not too shabby for a beginner, I think.



And then my friend Colleen came from New Jersey for a weekend visit, and like any self-respecting hostess, I strapped a blueberry bucket around her waist (in the rain) and set her to pickin’, too.

There she is. Way down there!

Colleen. Fashionable and efficient!

Both days were fabulous, and the people at Berry Hill Farm in Lexington could not have been nicer. Looking forward to going back soon for Blueberry Picking III!

30 Days of Fun II


  1. Allison C

    P.S. I’ve just decided to plan my own 30 Days of Fun in August, my birth-month (and the big 4-0). It’s ok to plan, right?? Ha.

  2. Allison C

    Love the Evans family and that farm — grew up with their boys, and picked blueberries there as a kid with my grandfather, until he finally planted his own little patch. Blueberries were his favorite, and I made my first cobbler (for him, using their recipe) at age 12 or 13. I’ve made about 1,000 since then, mostly with/for him while he was living, and just yesterday in honor of what would have been his 94th birthday. Sweet memories!

  3. Colleen

    Not once, but twice. I am homord to be mentioned twice in one week, in a post by the daily grace. It is truly special to be a part of such an inspirational blog.

  4. Nancy Kollock

    We have many happy memories of blueberry picking in past years. Sadly this year we lost our bees, essential for a good crop, and it has rained constantly, so we have only a handful. We rejoice that your first experience was fun and fruitful. John has Blueberries every single day. Thank goodness for the growers where ever they are. Nancy

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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