The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Coming Home

May 28, 2012 | Moments of Grace | 2 comments

I made the long drive home both exhausted and in an emotional search for the weekend’s blessings. I’d shortened my trip by a day and a half to get a step ahead of Tropical Storm Beryl, which was expected to bear down on the exact 250 miles of my drive.

And thus I pulled into my own driveway with the luxury of some “found” time. I parked, then wandered into the back yard without unlocking the side porch door.

Let’s see if those baby eagles happen to be about, I said to my traveling companion, my sweet little dog, Little Bit.

And sure enough, there across the pond in a tree, was one of the babies. But I didn’t gaze at the Eagle long because this caught my eye.

I knew without thinking just what was awaiting me there in the yard. A gigantic feather—at more than a foot long, by far the biggest I have ever found.

A great big heavenly reminder:

I got you girl.

I exhaled, then started to unload the car.


  1. Julie

    Love! Love! Love!!

    • Cathy

      Pretty powerful, isn’t it? Thanks, Jules.


  1. With His Feathers TheDailyGrace - [...] we believe in (September 7, 2011) Feathers, Friends and Sweet Little Nudges (November 6, 2011) coming home (May 28, 2012) here,…
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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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