The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 11: A Christmas Letter to Lee Smith re: My Favorite Christmas Book Which She Happened To Write

Dec 8, 2011 | writing & work, reading & recs, 30 Days of Joy | 8 comments


December 8, 2011

To Ms. Lee Smith,

First may I say Merry Christmas to You and Yours. Second may I apologize, for this letter has been a long time coming, too long some would say.

You see I have been reading your books for many years and feel like we are close although I have only met you in person on two occasions. To hear Mama tell it we are practically kin, on account of our families were in the same business all those years ago, there in those beautiful Southwest Virginia mountains. And then you attended Hollins College, as Mama did, but I did not, a decision about which I was sure back then although now I think perhaps I was mistaken. You were from Grundy, I believe; I was a Wise girl.

(I especially like it that you choose to have “our” Piggly Wiggly show up in most all your books, a recurrence about which I am most pleased.)

There are many things about which I would like to write and tell you (like the fact that the first book I ever loved was The Last Day The Dogbushes Bloomed, which I read ON MY OWN when I was a girl who worked at the Wise Library one summer and I didn’t even know it was you who wrote it) but I will save all that for another letter. For now I will leave it at this: I am writing to tell you that I am re-reading your book, The Christmas Letters, because it is a very good Christmas story that is not at all sappy and if it is, it is sappy in a good way.

I have read it before and as a general rule do not re-read books because there are so many goods books in the world who could have the time? And so I tried to find another Christmas book, it being December. But every one reads like a Lifetime Television for Women movie, in which there is always a single girl and a lonely boy, and a well-meaning (quirky) friend, and a school Christmas play. Sometimes there is also a choir, which can be a children’s choir, or a choir of men who are down-and-out but who have really good voices, come to find out.

Anyway, what I want to do is this: Sit by my fireplace with a cup of hot tea and the quiet of the snow outside (I must confess that is not likely as I live in South Carolina now) and to read something with a genuine heart during this season of Christmas when my own heart is longing for it. And I think your story of Birdie Picket, and Mary, and Melanie, and them being women connected by experience, as well as family, and how you tied it all together with those recipes (mostly old-timey), is just exactly perfect.

With wishes for a very good holiday there in North Carolina (or wherever you might be now, and I hope it is somewhere writing a book like On Agate Hill which is my very favorite, except for Oral History. Or maybe Fair and Tender Ladies, it is so hard to decide),

Catherine Carter Rigg Monetti
daughter of Eliza Rose Sutton Rigg
of the Kennedy’s Piggly Wiggly stores in Wise, Virginia

ps: I have decided to make Mary Pickett’s Award Winning Carrot Cake for dessert on Christmas Day. I think my Eliza (the one who is my daughter, not my mother) will really like the cream cheese frosting, with all that “confectionary” sugar, as she calls it.

pss: Now that I think of it, my mother Eliza would like it too, except for the carrots.

proof we are connected


30 Days of Joy



  1. Sharon Armstrong

    I am moving to South Carolina, I wanna knit and sit by the fire and read with you!!!! Anyway, it is more likely to snow in South Carolina than in Louisiana! Love you!

    • Cathy

      You can be our little cajun mountain girl. Love it!

  2. Allison Caldwell

    Is there such a thing as a knitting book club? Or maybe a book club that knits. If you’re gonna start something in January anyway… #justsayin 🙂

    • Cathy

      What a fantastic idea! The knitting book club, launching in January. Done.

  3. Michele Kingery

    This is beautiful. Follow the muse! You’re onto something.

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Michele!

  4. julie Marr

    Took creative writing class from her at NC State, post-baccalaureate. One of the best things I’ve ever done, has stayed in the heart!!!

    • Cathy

      I would give my left arm.
      In fact, I would give my right arm and learn to write with my left if it meant I could study at the feet of the master.

      (And why does it not surprise me IN THE LEAST that Julie Marr has studied with Lee Smith?)


  1. Day 23: How You React When Lee Smith Reads Your Post And Writes You Back | | TheDailyGraceTheDailyGrace - [...] You smile all the way to your liver, thinking to yourself: Lee Smith read my post. And then she wrote…
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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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